Couch-Grass (TRITICUM)
An excellent remedy in excessive irritability of the bladder, dysuria, cystitis, gonorrhoea.
Nose.--Always blowing nose.
Urinary.--Frequent, difficult, and painful urination (Pop). Gravelly deposits. Catarrhal and purulent discharges (Pareira). Strangury, pyelitis; enlarged prostate. Chronic cystic irritability. Incontinence; constant desire. Urine is dense and causes irritation of the mucous surfaces.
Relationship.--Compare: Tradescantia; (Haemorrhage from ear and upper air passages; painful urination, urethral discharge; scrotum inflamed). Chimaph; Senecio; Populus trem; Buchu; Uva.
Polytrichum Juniperinum-Ground Moss--(Painful urination of old people; dropsy, urinary obstruction and suppression).
Dose.--Tincture or infusion by boiling two ounces in a quart of water until it is reduced to a pint. To be taken in four doses in 24 hours.