Triosteum is a very valuable remedy in diarrhoea attended with colicky pains and nausea, numbness of lower limbs after stool, and increased flow of urine; also in influenza. Quiets nervous symptoms (Coffea, Hyos). Biliousness. Bilious colic.
Head.--Occipital pain, with nausea on rising, followed by vomiting. Influenza, with aching pains all over, and heat in the limbs. Ozaena; frontal pain.
Stomach.--Loathing of food; nausea on rising, followed by vomiting and cramps. Stools watery, frothy.
Extremities.--Stiffness of all joints; calves numb; aching in bones. Rheumatic pain in back. Pains in limbs.
Skin.--Itching welts. Urticaria from gastric derangement.
Dose.--Sixth potency.