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An invaluable remedy for various types of haemorrhages; blood bright red. Incarcerated hernia; smallpox, with great pain in pit of stomach. After operations for stone. Bad effects from fall from a height; overlifting. Continued high temperature. Haemoptysis.

Head.--Vertigo when moving slowly. Sensation as if he had forgotten something. The head seems full of blood. Convulsions and epilepsy from suppressed menses. Piercing thrusts of pain.

Nose.--Nosebleed (Erecht). Piercing pain from eyes to root of nose.

Stool.--Haemorrhage from bowels. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Urine bloody (Senec aur).

Female.--Menses early, profuse, protracted. Haemorrhage from uterus; bright red, fluid. Painful varices during pregnancy.

Respiratory.--Haemoptysis in incipient phthisis. Cough, with bloody expectoration, in suppressed menses or haemorrhoids. Violent palpitation.

Relationship.--Compare: Ficus venosa (Pakur). Haemorrhage from bowels and lungs. Acalypha and Helix tosta-Snail--(in haemoptysis, diseases of chest, consumption); also, Secale; Ipec; Erecht; Geran; Hamam.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.