Stimulates the cold-perceiving nerves, so just after taking it, a current of air at the ordinary temperature seems cold. Marked action on respiratory organs and skin. Useful in gastrodynia, flatulent cold.
Abdomen.--Bloated, disturbing sleep. Infantile colic. Bilious colic with great accumulation of gas.
Respiration.--Voice husky. Tip of nose to touch. Throat dry and sore, as if pin crosswise in it. Dry cough, worse from air into larynx, tobacco smoke, fog, talking; with irritation in suprasternal fossa (Rumex). Trachea painful to touch.
Skin.--Every scratch becomes a sore. Itching of arm and hand when writing. Vaginal pruritus. Herpes zoster (Ars; Ran bulb).
Relationship.--Compare: Rumex; Laches; Mentha pulegium--European pennyroyal--(pain in bones of forehead and extremities). Mentha viridis-Spearmint--(scanty urine with frequent desire).
Dose.--Tincture, 1 to 20 drops, to thirtieth potency. Locally, in pruritus vaginae.