nuphar luteum
Materia Medica
Produces nervous weakness, with marked symptoms in the sexual sphere.
Male: Complete absence of sexual desire; parts relaxed; penis retracted. Impotency, with involuntary emissions during stool, when urinating. Spermatorrhoea. Pain in testicles and penis.
Stool: Entero-colitis. Yellow diarrhoea; worse in the morning. Diarrhoea during typhoid.
in sexual weakness; Agnus; Kali brom; Lycop; Selen; Yohimbin.
acrid leucorrhoea, offensive ulcers; bronchorrhoea; ulcerative sore throat
In diarrhoea: Chelid; Gambog; Sulph,
Nymphea odorata-Sweet Water Lily--(early morning diarrhoea, backache