lacticum acidum

Materia Medica

Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism offer a field for this remedy. Troubles in the breasts. Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.

Stomach: Tongue dry, parched. Thirst; voracious hunger. Canker, copious salivation and water-brash. Nausea; morning sickness, especially in pale anaemic women. Hot, acrid eructation. Nausea; better, eating. Burning, hot gas from stomach to throat, causing profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, worse smoking.

Throat: Fullness or lump like a puff ball. Keeps swallowing. Constricted low down.

Chest: Pain in breasts, with enlargement of axillary glands, and pain extends into hand.

Extremities: Rheumatic pain in joints and shoulders, wrists, knees, with much weakness. Trembling of whole body while walking. Limbs feel chilly.

Urine: Large quantities passed, frequently. Saccharine.


Sarcolactic acid q v. Lithia; Phos ac