jatropha curcas

Materia Medica

Of value in cholera and diarrhoea. The abdominal symptoms are most important. Suppressed measles (H. Farrington).

Stomach: Hiccough, followed by copious vomiting. Nausea and vomiting, brought on by drinking, with acrid feeling from throat. Great thirst. Very easy vomiting. Heat and burning in stomach, with crampy, constrictive pain in epigastrium.

Abdomen: Distended, with gurgling noises. Pain in hypochondria. Pain in region of liver and under right scapula to shoulder. Violent urging to urinate.

Stool: Sudden, profuse, watery, like rice-water. Diarrhoea; forced discharge; loud noise in abdomen like gurgling of water coming out of a bung-hole, associated with coldness, cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

Extremities: Cramps in muscles, especially calves, legs, and feet. Coldness of whole body. Pain in ankles, feet and toes. Heels sensitive.

Modalities: Better, by placing hands in cold water.


Camph; Verat; Gambog; Croton;


Jatropha urens--Sponge-nettle--(oedema and cardiac paresis