more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyMateria Medica
Causes and cures colic and diarrhoea. The child is good all day, but screams and is restless and troublesome at night.
Gastro-intestinal: Tongue, smooth, glazed, dry, smarting: Pain in right hypochondrium. Flatulence and nausea. Pinching and griping. Watery diarrhoea; thin, muddy stools. Abdomen distended. Face cold and blue. Anus sore.
Extremities: Aching in arms and legs. Pain in large joint of great toe. Smarting at root of nail. Burning of soles.
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Jalapa is available at Remedia Homeopathy
more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyOther names for this homeopathic remedy: Jalapa, Jalappa, Jalapenknolle, Ipomoea purga, Ipomoea jalapa, Faba Pichurim, Exogonium purga, Convolvulus purga, Convolvulus Jalapa, Trichterwinde,