more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyMateria Medica
Contains a large percentage of Caffeine, which may explain its use as a remedy for certain forms os sick headache.
Head: Intellectual excitement. Sick headache in persons who have used tea and coffee in excess. Throbbing headache after use of liquor.
Bowels: Stools profuse, bloody, bright green; flakes inter-mixed; odorless. Cholera infantum.
Skin: Chloasmata on temples and arms. Urticaria (Dulc; Apis; Chloral).
Sleep: Uncontrollable sleepiness and heaviness of head, with flushed face after eating.
Guarana is available at Remedia Homeopathy
more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyOther names for this homeopathic remedy: Guarana, brasilianischer Kakao, Kakao, brasilianischer, Paull, Paullinia cupana, Paullinia sorbilis,