
Mineral Spring at Voeslau, in Austria. (Contains in 100 cubic inches 15.2 gr. of solid constituents: Calc. C. 4.9, Calc. Sul. 2.7, Calc. mur. 0.5, Mag. C. 2.7, Mag. sul. 1.8, Mag. mur. 0.4, Nat. Sul. 0.9, Nat. m. 0.4, Alumina and Silica 0.4, Fer. C. 0.2, gummy substance 0.1.) Dilution.

Clinical.-Menstruation, disorders of. Seminal emissions. Urticaria. Vertigo.

Characteristics.-Rosenberg observed the effects of Voeslau on the healthy. His symptoms constitute the Schema. The waters produce: Orgasm of blood; pressure and tension. The throat was sensitive to swallowing warm food and drink. Nettlerash with desquamation. In males there was sexual excitement and emissions; and in females increased secretion of mucus in genitals and many troubles connected with menses.


1. Mind.-Mind restless and excited.-Irritability, peevishness.

2. Head.-Vertigo and whirling in head.-Reeling and tottering of whole body two or three hours after a bath.-Congestion to head and orgasm of blood.-Heaviness of head.

9. Throat.-Hoarseness and dryness in throat, painful sensitiveness swallowing warm food or drink.

11. Stomach.-Appetite is increased after the first bath.-Heaviness and sensation of fulness in stomach.-Sensitiveness and pressure in stomach after eating.

12. Abdomen.-Pressure and tension in hepatic region, extending to r. shoulder.

13. Stool and Anus.-Thin stools, increasing to diarrhoea, with a slight degree of tenesmus.

14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent desire and frequent micturition.-Urine: first days red, afterwards watery and copious.-Increased secretion from prostate.

15. Male Sexual Organs.-Erections.-Rush of blood to genitals.-Nocturnal emissions.

16. Female Sexual Organs.-Increased secretion of mucus from genitals.-Menses: delayed; diminished, accompanied with numerous troubles; offensive; too frequent and copious.

17. Respiratory Organs.-Hoarseness and dryness in throat, painful sensitiveness on swallowing warm food and drink.-Dry cough with slight pains in chest.

18. Chest.-Congestion to chest and other organs.-Oppression; respiration difficult, rapid, short.

21. Limbs.-Weakness and falling asleep of limbs.

24. Generalities.-Emaciation of young people.-Uneasiness and unsteadiness at work.-Increased sensitiveness, esp. to external air.

25. Skin.-Itching nettlerash on whole body after fourteen baths, ending in desquamation.-Itching, heat, biting, esp. towards midnight, previous to the outbreak of perspiration.

26. Sleep.-Overpowering sleepiness during day; esp. afternoon.

27. Fever.-Coldness and chilliness at times changing to heat, with increased thirst.-Flushes of heat without thirst.-Perspiration in bed towards morning.