Viburnum Tinus.
Viburnum tinus. Laurustinus. N. O. Caprifoliaceae. Tincture of fresh leaves.
Clinical.-Deafness. Diaphragm, cramp in. Hypochondriasis. Ovary, pain in.
Characteristics.-Viburnum tinus is the beautiful evergreen shrub known in our gardens as Laurustinus. Cooper has investigated it, giving always single doses of the Ø tincture in cases analogous to those for which Vib. o. is given. He has cured with it: (1) Pain in ovary with depression. [He considers hypochondriasis an indication for Vib. t.] (2) Deafness, with sufferings in lower segment of abdomen and dysmenia; erosions about the os uteri. (3) Cramp in diaphragm. (4) Horrible headache all over head, < on right side with right-sided deafness, coming on at 7 and 11 a.m. and 4 and 7 p.m., with great sinking in pit of chest. (5) Waking at 4 a.m. with horrid depression of spirits that lasts till noon, with a weight on chest and back; has to hold herself up in order to breathe.