Platinum Muriaticum Natronatum.
Chloroplatinate of Sodium. PtCl42NaCl. Solution.
Clinical.-Flatulence. Polyuria. Salivation.
Characteristics.-Hofer experimented with Plat. m. n. on the same man who took Plat. mur. The chief additional symptom was decided by increased secretion of urine and saliva.
2. Head.-Slight headache.
8. Mouth.-Decided increase in saliva.
11. Stomach.-Feeling of warmth and heaviness in stomach.-Eructation of gas.-Nausea and inclination to vomit.
12. Abdomen.-Rumbling in abdomen.-Transient colic.
13. Stool.-Emission of flatus.
14. Urinary Organs.-Decidedly increased secretion of urine.