Phallus Impudicus.
Stinkhorn. N. O. Fungi. Tincture or infusion of whole fungus.
Clinical.-Gastro-enteralgia. Sweat, viscid. Vertigo. Vomiting.
Characteristics.-Kalieniczensko took live or six teaspoonfuls of an infusion of Phallus in twenty-four hours, and the symptoms of the Schema are the effects observed. There is a general resemblance to the effect of the Agarici-vertigo, disordered vision, gastro-enteric disturbance and viscid sweat.
2. Head.-Vertigo.
3. Eyes.-Vision: difficult; obscured.-Objects seem coloured grey, as in smoke.
8. Mouth.-Profuse salivation.
9. Throat.-Great dryness of throat, with irritation as from black pepper.
11. Stomach.-Loss of appetite.-Devouring thirst.-Violent vomitings with profuse salivation.-Gastro-enteralgia.
12. Abdomen.-Painful sensitiveness of whole abdomen.
13. Stool.-Watery diarrhoea.
14. Urinary Organs.-Urine deep red, depositing a sediment of urates of lime and soda.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Dry, oppressive cough.
24. Generalities.-Great feebleness of whole body.
26. Sleep.-Sleepiness.
27. Fever.-After four days all the pores became opened, profuse viscid perspiration.