Pastinaca sativa. Parsnip. N. O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of roots of second year.
Clinical.-Delirium tremens. Loquacity. Milk, intolerance of.
Characteristics.-The root of the Parsnip, after the first year, is very poisonous, and some cases of poisoning have been observed, the symptoms of which make up the Schema. A state of perfect "delirium tremens" was observed in several persons, illusions of vision, catching at imaginary objects; fighting with one another. A peculiar effect was produced on the stomach; the irritability was depressed and emetics would not act.
Relations.-Compare: Æthus, Ziz.
1. Mind.-Delirium tremens.-Quiet delirium, illusions of vision, grasped at imaginary objects; incoherent speech; uninterrupted attempts to get out of bed.-Incessant talking.-Fighting.-Fits of convulsive laughter.
2. Head.-Vertigo and general uneasiness.-Sense of weight in head.
6. Face.-Look: staring; vague.-Face pale.
8. Mouth.-Tongue clean, moist, trembling.
11. Stomach.-Vomiting of milk in large curds (child, aet. 2, poisoned).-Irritability of gastric nerves depressed; emetics in double the usual doses have no effect.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Breathing somewhat difficult and slow.
19. Heart.-Suppressed beating of heart; pulse small, weak, slow.
24. Generalities.-In constant motion.
25. Skin.-Skin, red, hot, swollen; eyelids oedematous, translucent.-Blebs on hands and fingers (child, aet. 2, ate and handled wild parsnip).