Myosotis symphytifolia. "Black-root." (Marshy places in Indiana. N. O. Boraginaceae. Tincture of fresh plant.
Clinical.-Bronchitis, chronic. Cough. Lungs, affections of.
Characteristics.-Hale has collected some clinical experiences with Myosotis (which differs from M. Palustris in having large Symphytum-like leaves), showing it to have a strong affinity for the respiratory organs. The left lower lung was most affected. Copious expectoration, emaciation, night-sweat. During the cough there was gagging or vomiting; cough < during or immediately after eating; pain in left side (lower lung) not < in any position, but < while coughing and sensitive to percussion. Profuse sweat day and night.
Relations.-Compare: Symphytum (botan.). Stann. (lung disease).