Mercurius Biniodatus cum Kali Iodatum.
("A canary yellow salt formed by the chemical union of one equivalent of Red Iodide of Mercury and two equivalents of Iodide of Potassium. Freely soluble in water."-Hale.) Double Iodide of Mercury and Potassium. HgK2I4. Solution.
Clinical.-Catarrh. Catarrhal fever. Cold. Facial paralysis. Hay-fever. Influenza. Nose, polypus of.
Characteristics.-Hale, who introduced this preparation, says of it: "It causes profuse discharge of watery mucus from the nose with sneezing, coughing, and watering of the eyes." He has used it with excellent effect in the treatment of inveterate colds, and this experience I can confirm. It may be confidently used where indications for its three elements are found, as all three are strongly represented in the salt. Cooper commends it in acute facial paralysis from cold. J. R. Haynes (H. P., xi. 216) relates some experiences with this salt in the 6th attenuation. Mrs. X. had a violent attack of catarrhal fever; dull, heavy, frontal headache, not affected by motion; felt stupid; irritating water running from eyes; free watery discharge from nose; tongue coated white; whole pharynx purplish red; painful deglutition. Throat and mouth filled with mucus; sticky taste in mouth; muscular soreness all over body. Pulse go. Skin hot and dry. Hoarse cough in fits compelling to sit up. Copious yellowish frothy sputum giving but little relief. Merc. k. i. 6, one grain in half a glass of water, a teaspoonful every two hours, soon cured. Many cases of influenza with symptoms like these were cured. Haynes says if Merc. k. i. does not quickly relieve and completely cure it is of no use to repeat it; Rhus or Dulc. will probably be needed.
Relations.-Compare: Hippoz., Cepa, Pso. Facial paralysis Merc. sol., Caust.