Melastoma Ackermani. N. O. Melastomaceae. Tincture of leaves.
Clinical.-Diarrhoea. Perinaeum, pains in. Prostatic affections.
Characteristics.-Mure figures and describes this plant. He made a proving of the leaves. On the second day of the proving the prover lost an inveterate diarrhoea with colic. The most notable symptoms were a pain in the perinaeum and testicles; and shuddering followed by heat without sweat.
2. Head.-Vertigo.-Headache with sensitiveness of scalp.
8. Mouth.-Digging in teeth.-White tongue.-Copious saliva.
11. Stomach.-Sour stomach.
12. Abdomen.-Borborygmi.-Pain in abdomen.
13. Stool and Anus.-Tenesmus with constriction of sphincter.-Heat and pricking at anus.-Fearful pain and pulling from perinaeum to anus when sitting; not ceasing in any position, lasting six hours.-Lancinations in perinaeum, urethra, and testicles.-(Inveterate diarrhoea and colic cured.)
14. Urinary Organs.-Pricking in urethra.-Urine: profuse; light foaming; red, odourless, with bloody clots; fetid; white sediment; albuminous.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Hardness of penis without erection.
19. Heart.-Palpitation of heart.
20. Back.-Pain in loins.
23. Lower Limbs.-Weakness of thighs.-Å’dema of legs.
24. Generalities.-Prostration.
25. Skin.-Eruption on lips, esp. upper.-Itching and heat at night.-Pricking over feet, ankles, and wrists.
26. Sleep.-Drowsy in daytime.
27. Fever.-Chills followed by sweat.-Violent chills followed by heat without sweat.-Intense heat.