Hedysarum Ildefonsianum.
Hedysarum desmodium. Barba de Roy. Carapicho. Brazilian Burdock. N. O. Leguminosae.
Clinical.-Gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia. Penis, inflammation of.
Characteristics.-This plant is named by Mure, who gives a figure of it in his book and describes it thus: "The brownish ligneous stem of this plant is about three feet high; it is ramose, pubescent, especially above. Leaves alternate, pinnate, trifoliate; folioles oval and slightly tormentose, on a hairy, bistipulate petiole. The flowers, which are small and seated on filiform unifloral peduncles, form loose, terminal spikes. Fruit oval, hairy, on bent peduncles, and attaching itself very intimately to clothes and to hairy skin of animals." I give this description in full because the species, according to Allen, is doubtful. The symptoms are not many but they are very definite, and knowing the value of Mure's observations in the case of Ocim. can. and other remedies I give them in full. The chief effect was inflammation of the penis and of the eyes, which should indicate it in some cases of gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.
3. Eyes.-Pain and pricking in eyes.-Redness of sclerotica.-Smarting, with lachrymation.
12. Abdomen.-Painful tearing from loins to navel (better second day).
13. Stool.-Diarrhoea.-Constipation.
14. Urinary Organs.-Profuse urination.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Sudden appearance of yellowish discharge from urethra.-Itching of penis.-Redness and smarting of penis.-Painful swelling of penis with erysipelatous inflammation.-Thin stream of urine in consequence of the glans being swollen.
21. Limbs.-Pain in upper and lower limbs.
22. Upper Limbs.-Fingers contract with pain.
26. Sleep.-No sleep for several nights running.
27. Fever.-Fever and rheumatic pains.