Euphorbia Pilulifera.
E. pilulifera. N. O. Euphorbiaceae. Tincture.
Clinical.-Asthma. Gonorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Sunstroke. Traumatism.
Characteristics.-In the Medical Press of May 3, 1893, Dr. George Foy gives an account of this medicine. Gray in 1817 mentions it as a remedy for syphilis and for venomous bites. Marsset, of Paris, experimented with the aqueous extract on guinea-pigs. None of the irritant effects common to most Euphorbias were produced, but a powerful action on the heart-first an alarmingly quick pulse and then a sudden chill. It has been used by old-school practitioners in asthma, hay asthma, and bronchitis, chiefly in considerable doses. In the Universal Homoeopathic Annual, p. 57, Dr. Cartier gives this account: "Euphorbia Pilulifera has given excellent results in cases of acrid leucorrhoea, aggravated by the least motion, especially useful for pale, delicate, and sensitive women (Jacaranda). In gonorrhea, when there are intense pains at each micturition, burning pains which oblige the patient to sit down or to keep quiet; violent desire to pass water (Cannabis, Cantharis). Humid asthma with prostration and restlessness. Haemorrhages caused by sunstroke or traumatism."