more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyA kind of Red Mullet. South America. N. O. Erythrininae. Tincture of the fish.
Clinical.-Pityriasis rubra. Syphilis.
Characteristics.-Dr. Burnett is the authority for this medicine. He bases his use of it on an account of its effects on some sailors who ate the fish. They came out with a peculiar red rash which became chronic, and which the doctors took for a form of syphilis. Dr. Burnett cured with it a case of pityriasis rubra appearing in a large patch on the chest, and benefited other cases. He believes this form of skin affection to be a manifestation of syphilis in the second generation, the father of the patient he cured having had syphilis. Aurum muriaticum is the complementary remedy.
Erythrinus is available at Remedia Homeopathy
more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyOther names for this homeopathic remedy: Erythrinus, Erythrinus erythrinus, Lachssalmler,