Chimaphila Maculata.

Spotted Wintergreen. N. O. Pyroleae, a tribe of the Ericaceae. Tincture of root and leaves, or of fresh plant in flower.

Clinical.-Angina pectoris. Diarrhoea. Headache. Sore-throat. Tongue, stiffness of. Toothache. Worm-fever.

Characteristics.-Chim. mac. has been proved independently of Chim. umb. Some symptoms of Chim. rotund. are included. An intense gnawing hunger is a leading symptom. Burning fever; blood feels heated. The throat and tonsils are strongly affected. Headache < on lying down. Feels better in warm room. Suited to mild, amiable, refined, sensitive, intellectual persons.

Relations.-Compare: Puls., Chim. umb.


1. Mind.-Becomes partially unconscious, feels like fainting, as if brain paralysed, mind gone (Chim. rotund.).

2. Head.-Sudden headache above eyes; with dim vision; light-headed; lying down.-Frontal headache with fulness in stomach and belching; with pain in bowels; wants head pressed on.

7. Teeth.-Hollow teeth ache, < eating.

8. Mouth.-Tongue feels stiff and thick in middle, cannot raise it Chim. rotund).

9. Throat.-Tensive pain in throat on swallowing; swollen tonsils.

10, 11. Appetite and Stomach.-Extreme gnawing hunger.-Feels drunk as if stomach burnt up with liquor; as if hard, dry, and tough, and as if rennet would be good for it (Chim. rotund.).

13. Stool.-Diarrhoea, with worm-fever.

14. Urinary Organs.-Rises in night to urinate.

19. Heart.-Angina with stupor.

21. Limbs.-Limbs feel full, as if distended.-Sensation of swelling in armpits; pain from armpits to scapulae.

27. Fever.-Fever with burning hot skin and thirst.-Blood as if heated with prickling.-Cold, damp feet in evening.