Boletus Satanas
N. O. Fungi. Trituration.
Clinical.-Diarrhoea membranosa. Dysentery.
Characteristics.-There are two fragmentary provings of this fungus, and observations on six persons poisoned. It produces gastro-enteric disturbances very similar to that of its two relatives.
1. Mind.-Fear and restlessness.
3. Eyes.-Sparks before eyes alternating with obscuration of vision.
8, 9. Mouth and Throat.-Troublesome dryness in mouth and throat.-Violent burning and scraping in throat.
11. Stomach.-Unquenchable thirst.-Sudden desire to vomit; no nausea between attacks.-Vomited twenty times in three hours.-Frightful pain in stomach.
12. Abdomen.-Abdomen sunken and frightfully painful.-Obstinate tension of abdomen.
13. Stool.-A profuse diarrhoea of blood, and of the mucous lining of the intestines.-Watery evacuations.
24. Generalities.-Sudden sensation through all his limbs as if he would be attacked with apoplexy.-Violent and extremely painful cramps in the muscles of the limbs and face.-Faintness while vomiting.-Limbs cold; cold sweat over whole body.