Lindera Benzoin. Laurus Benzoin. Benzoin oderiferum. Spice bush. Fever-bush. N. O. Lauraceae. Tincture of twigs.
Clinical.-Fever. Hair, oiliness of. Vertigo.
Characteristics.-The symptoms of Benzoin as shown in a short proving somewhat resemble those of Laurocerasus. Empty sensation at the stomach and lower part of bowels. < On lying down: head swims, with sinking sensation which makes lying down in bed unpleasant. The hair is oily. Feverish. < After sleep. Sense of touch fine, quick and pleasant.
Relations.-Compare. Lach (< after sleep).
1. Mind.-Unpleasant, fearful feeling.
2. Head.-Hair oily.
11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen.-Wakes from sleep with a sick feeling in stomach and bowels; tired feeling; turns often in bed at night.-Empty feeling in stomach and lower part of bowels.
13. Stool.-Soft stool, with pain before stool in lower bowel.
14. Urinary Organs.-Urine more frequent, small quantity, dark colour; had to rise twice in night to urinate.
23. Lower Limbs.-Hips feel crushed.-Pains in knees.-Feet and legs cold up to knees; remained cold in bed.