Baryta Muriatica
Chloride of Barium. Ba Cl2 2H2O.
Clinical.-Aneurism. Anus, abscess of. Asthma. Convulsions. Deafness. Dyspepsia. Fistula. Glandular swellings. Gleet. Gonorrhoea. Idiocy. Leucorrhoea. Mania. Mumps. Nymphomania. Otorrhoea. Pancreatitis. Paralysis. Scrofula. Sterility. Testicles, affections of. Tinea capitis. Tinnitus. Tonsillitis. Tumours.
Characteristics.-The symptoms of Baryta mur. are like those of the other Barium salts, but it has a distinct character of its own. Convulsions are more marked in the muriate. Periodical attacks of convulsions, with excessive jactitation of the limbs. Idiocy. Mania, with increase of sexual desire; "in every form of mania as soon as the sexual desire is increased." Offensive otorrhoea. Parotid glands hard and swollen (especially right). It has cured whizzing and buzzing in ears; noises on chewing and swallowing. Deafness. Great salivation and odour from mouth as from mercurialisation. Swelling of salivary glands. Disposition to tonsillitis. There is great indigestion. Below stomach to left a hardness from which paroxysms of dyspnoea come. Induration of pancreas. Distressing throbbing in abdomen (abdominal aneurism). Many cases of aneurism have been benefited by Bar. mur. Both elements have a strong action on heart and arteries. In one poisoning case, that of a girl, the instant she swallowed the solution she exclaimed that she was on fire; vomitings, convulsions, pain in the head and complete deafness supervened; and death within an hour. Baryt. mur. acts on parotid glands and pancreas. Is suited to scrofulous children. Attacks of tonsillitis occurring in spring and autumn. The earache is > by sipping cold water.
Relations.-Compare: Con. (indurations of abdominal glands); Iod., Kali iod. and Iris (pancreas); Selen. (pulsations in abdomen). Useful after Ars. in extravasations of blood. The vomiting is antidoted by Absinthe.
1. Mind.-Great anxiety, with gastralgia, nausea, and retching; has to bend double.-Idiocy.-Mania of every form as soon as sexual desire is increased.
2. Head.-Vertigo, swimming before the eyes; things turn round.-Head confused and heavy.-Cephalalgia, with vomitings.-Very purulent eruptions on the scalp.-Scabby eruptions on the head and on the neck.-Eruption at the nape of the neck.
3. Eyes.-Eyes fixed and immovable.-Shuns light; child lies all the time on its face.-Pupils dilated and insensible, with fixed look.-Blennorrhoea of the eyes, of the ears, and of the nose.
4. Ears.-Deafness and vomiting.-Otorrhoea; odour like rotten cheese.-Abscesses behind ears.-Parotids (esp. r.) swollen.
5. Nose.-Sneezing in sleep.-Coryza.
6. Face.-Tractive pains in the muscles of the face.-Painful nodosity at the point of the nose, with slight pricking.
7. Teeth.-Shooting, throbbing pains in the teeth, esp. on waking, after midnight.-Looseness of the teeth.
8. Mouth.-Swelling of the salivary glands and of the palate.-Tongue loaded.-Tongue and mouth dry.-Fetor of the mouth, as if from mercury.-Putrid taste in the mouth, also of food.
9. Throat.-Uvula elongated.-Varicose veins of throat.-Suppuration of tonsils after every cold.-Swallowing difficult.
11. Stomach.-Loss of appetite.-Thirst.-Inclination to vomit.-Retching.-Vomiting in the morning, with anxiety.-Vomiting of a small quantity of water, with nausea.-Sickness.-Pressure on the stomach, with spasm.-Sensation of heat, ascending from the stomach to the chest and head.-Burning pain in the stomach, with vomiting.-The membranes of the stomach are of a blue red, with red spots on the muscular part.-The pit of the stomach is inflamed, with isolated ecchymoses.-Uneasiness, as if from worms.
12. Abdomen.-Burning pains in the abdomen.-Tumefaction of the liver.-Throbbing of tumour in abdomen.-Inguinal glands swollen; painful; ulcerating.
13. Stool and Anus.-Faeces slimy.-Easy evacuation.-Chronic, painless diarrhoea, or diarrhoea with violent colic.-Stools jelly-like, with blood, no pain; discharges every fifteen or twenty minutes.-Stools white, hard as stones.
14. Urinary Organs.-Urine frequent, involuntary, and painful.-Urine yellowish, very offensive.-Flow of urine.-Whitish sediment in the urine.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Frequent emission of semen.-Swelling of the testes.-Buboes after suppressed gonorrhoea.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Catamenia too early.-Pains, as from a bruise, in the cavity of the pelvis.-Sterility.-Leucorrhoea.-Induration, tumour or atrophy of ovaries.-Nymphomania.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Weak voice.-Dry cough.-Chronic cough of scrofulous children.
18. Chest.-Catarrh, with heat.-Heat in the upper part of the chest.-Oppression.
19. Heart.-Throbbing of the heart accelerated.-Palpitation of the heart.-Heart-beats irregular, pulse scarcely perceptible.
20. Neck and Back.-Enlargement and induration of cervical glands.-Pains in the back.
21. Limbs.-Trembling of limbs.-Convulsive jerkings of hands and feet.-Paralysis of upper and lower limbs.-Swelling of hands and feet.
22. Upper Limbs.-Painless twitching in arm esp. at night.
23. Lower Limbs.-Drawing pains in thighs.-Haemorrhagic extravasations in knee-joint.-Feet swollen.-Effects of checked foot-sweat.
24. Generalities.-Great weakness, which necessitates lying down.-Weakness and prostration, amounting almost to paralysis.-Syncope.-Stiffness and insensibility of the body, with periodical convulsions.-General heaviness.-Trembling of the limbs.-Convulsive trembling.-Twitching in the face or in some of the limbs, or in the whole body.-Periodical convulsive fits, with starting and excessive tossing about.
25. Skin.-Pricking in the skin.-Burning and pricking in excoriated places.-Small itchy eruptions on the head, nape of the neck, abdomen, and thighs.-Glands inflamed and ulcerated.-Haemorrhage.
27. Fever.-General dry heat, night and day.-Redness and heat of the face.-Pulse frequent and full.-Tertian fever.-Increased perspiration.-Cold sweat.