more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyNervous, irritable and sleepless. As of hot water flowing through part. Yellow, tenacious discharges. Early senility.
Laughs and weeps by turns. As of a hair or cobweb on face. Choking constriction in throat. Hysteria. Burning pyrosis. Oppressive tightness in left chest. Dyspnœa. Asthma; cardiac. Sexual excitability. Trickling along spine. Pale, cold skin. Internal itching. Dreams of falling.
Ferula moschata is available at Remedia Homeopathy
more information and order at Remedia HomeopathyOther names for this homeopathic remedy: Ferula moschata, Sumbul, Sambulwurzel, persische, Sambulwurzel, echte, persische Sambulwurzel, Musk-root, Moschuswurzel, Ferula sumbul, Euryangium sumbulus, echte Sambulwurzel, Sumbulus moschatus,