onosmodium virginianum
Aching, sore and stiff; after the pain. Inco-ordination.
Irresolute. Confused. Forgetful. Slow thinking. Aphasia. Nervous exhaustion. Vertigo; with the headache; < lying on (l), side. Headache; occipital; screwed in, as if; < eye strain and lying on back. Pains up and down from (l), occiput to shoulder, < exertion. Migraine. Dull, heavy oppressing in occiput. Aching, heavy, tired, stiff eyes. Eye, combined with ovarian symptoms. Misjudges distances. Mushy, yellow stool. Aromatic urine. Sexual desire gone. Sexual neurasthenia. Pains alternate between ovaries. Sore ovaries and rectum. Acrid leucorrhœa. Sticky, white expectoration. Swelled, tender mammæ. Itching nipples. Tired, numb legs and popliteæ. Seems to tread on cotton. Staggering.