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Mind.-- Mental stupidity. Great distraction and want of attention. Diminished power of comprehension. Mental derangement. Indolence and dislike for work. Want of self - reliance. contradiction is unbearable. Sudden ebullitions of anger of which he quickly repents.

Vertigo.-- When rising from lying or looking downward.

Head.-- Stupefying, pressive ache in forehead. Extreme heaviness, lying.

External Head.-- Corrosive itching, as from vermin, most on occiput and behind ears, on beginning to scratch, but then it burns and smarts which soon passes into biting and eating, on undressing. Scaly, moist tinea, with biting itching, especially on occiput.

Eyes.-- Tears in, when reading. Burning and tension in lids when reading. Diplopia.

Ears.-- Herpes and ulcers on and about. Singing and wailing in, like the wind.

Nose.-- Dull, numbing pressure on.

Face.-- Pale, troubles, sunken countenance with blue rings about eyes in morning. Paleness alternating with deep redness. Benumbing alternating with deep redness. Benumbing pressure on and under zygoma. Numb feeling in upper lip.

Teeth.-- Drawing in molars, at night when lying in bed, with anxiety, nausea and profuse urination. Sensitive when chewing only. Bluish - white gums.

Mouth.-- Dirty white, elevated papillae on tongue. Power of speech is lost.

Stomach.-- Throbbing in pit, as after being greatly heated.

Appetite: Ravenous hunger and husky eating, without appetite. Much thirst, especially for cold water.

Eructations: Violent empty.

Vomiting: Of bitter, greenish water. Great hunger and thirst after.

Abdomen.-- Sense of emptiness and coldness in upper, and in chest. Gnawing pain in umbilical region.

Flatulence. Grumbling and rumbling in abdomen with discharge of much foul smelling flatus.

Stool.-- Ineffectual urging to. Sluggish. Undigested, watery.

Urine.-- Brown, burning u., depositing a white sediment. Profuse urination, especially after drinking coffee.

Respiration.-- Weak, heavy. When lying oppression as though' chest were too narrow, with long, deep inspirations.

Cough.-- Shattering, from tickling in larynx.

Back.-- Neck: Violent, sensible but slow pulsation in carotids. Tearing in nape in evening and at night. stiff and numb.

Chest.-- Sense of emptiness and coldness in. Dull stitches in left c., and in sternum, continuous during expiration and inspiration, but worst when taking a deep breath. Stitches in diaphragm. Anxious palpitation.

Upper Extremities.-- Cramp - like drawing in arms. Dull, benumbing pressure on lower arms and hands. Distended blood - vessels on hands.

Lower Extremities.-- Great feeling of weakness in legs, especially knees. Painless stiffness and lameness of limbs, especially of thighs. A spurring or whizzing sensation in legs, especially in soles of feet. Constant coldness of feet.

Generalities.-- Dull. benumbing pressure in limbs. Painless stiffness and paralysis of limbs. A spurring or whizzing sensation throughout entire body. Forcible inward pressure like a squeezing in many spots. Tension thro' entire body. Insensibility of entire body. Want of natural vital heat in limbs. Painless paralysis/ Faint - like weariness and weakness of entire body, trembling of knees when standing and of hands when writing. Fainting attacks as from weakness (with or without loss of consciousness), disappearing after sweat.

Skin.-- Very sensitive to rubbing, which quickly causes redness and excoriation. Biting itching, when undressing, after scratching it burns.

Sleep.-- Frequent yawning followed by shuddering and trembling. Restlessness, voluptuous dreams and frequent waking.

Fever.-- Pulse: Very changeable and irregular. In evening full and accelerated, in morning weak and slow. chill: Attacks of, and shuddering over entire body, with heat of face and cold hands. Chilliness and want of natural vital heat. Chilly feeling externally, at same time internal heat. Heat: Attacks of flying heat breaking out especially from mental or physical exertion. Sweat: Entirely absent.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Ag-c., Coccl., Gel.