Ledum palustre


Mind.-- Vehement, angry mood. Dissatisfaction and hatred of mankind. Love for solitude. Great seriousness. Chaotic dullness, with general heat.

Vertigo.-- As though intoxicated, especially when walking in open air.

Head.-- Stupefying ache causing mental dullness. Raging, pulsating ache. Pressive ache which renders head coverings intolerable. shattering sensation in brain when making a misstep.

Eyes.-- Nightly agglutination of lids without pain or inflammation. Violent suppuration with a foul smelling discharge. Biting tears. dilated pupils.

Ears.-- Roaring or ringing before. Difficult hearing.

Nose.-- Burning in. Nose - bleed of bright red blood.

Face.-- Alternatively pale and red. Dry herpes on, which burns in open air. Dry pimples like millet seed on forehead. Red nodular eruptions, like those of brandy drinkers, they stick when touched. Boils on forehead. Swelling of glands under chin.

Mouth.-- Offensive odor from.

Throat.-- Sore, with fine sticking pain, worse when not swallowing.

Stomach.-- Pressure in, after eating a small quantity.

Nausea: And inclination to vomit when spitting.

Abdomen.-- Sense of fullness in upper. Bellyache like that of dysentery. cutting colic every evening. Ascites.

Stool.-- Constipation. Diarrhoea, feces mixed with blood and mucus.

Urine.-- Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge. Frequent, profuse. Enuresis.

Sexual Organs.-- Intensified sexual desire. Inflamed swelling of penis and glans.

Female.-- Menses: Of bright red blood, too early and too profuse.

Respiration.-- Spasmodic, double inspiration and sobbing, as after angry weeping. Obstructed breathing, as though he would suffocate, and opisthotonos precedes the cough. Tight, rapid. Constrictive tightness of chest when walking and ascending steps.

Cough.-- Violent, with expectoration of, bright red blood. Only at night or early in morning, with purulent, offensive expectoration. Spasmodic, like whooping cough, with painful concussion of head and entire chest. Hollow, shattering c., from tickling in larynx, with suffocative arrest of breathing.

Larynx and trachea.-- Crawling in. Phthisis of.

Chest.-- Sore, burning pain in. Stitches in. Shattered feeling of. Suppuration of lungs. Chicken pox on chest.

Back.-- Painful stiffness of, and of loins when rising from sitting. Pains in, and in sacred region.

Upper Extremities.-- Tearing in joints of. Stitches in shoulder when raising arm. Pressive pain in shoulder and elbow joints, motion. Gouty nodosities on wrist and finger joints. Sweat on palms.

Lower Extremities.-- Paralysis of hip joint. Tearing in hip, knee and ankle joints. Swelling, tension and sticking in knee. Obstinate swelling of leg and foot, Podagra.

Generalities.-- Painful, gouty nodes about joints. Intolerance of warmth of bed, from a sense of heat in extremities. Heat in hands and feet in evening. Gouty tearing in joints, warmth of bed, and in evening until midnight. Hard, but swelling of painful joints. Suffering parts emaciate. Only the joint pains are intensified by motion. After effects of immoderate use of spirituous liquors.

Skin.-- Dry, want of natural perspiration. General anasarca. Dry herpes which itches violently and burns in open air. Boils. Bluish spots like petechia.

Sleep.-- Somnolent as though intoxicated, during day. Sleepless at night, with restlessness and fantastic illusions as soon as he closes his eyes.

Fever.-- Pulse: Full and rapid. Frequently perceptible in one arm, but not in the other. Chill: Chill: With shudder and thirst, continues a long time with a feeling as if some parts were dashed with cold water. Coldness and want of vital heat. Or dominating chill and thirst. Early in morning and forenoon. General coldness with redness and heat of face. Heat: Without thirst, more pronounced toward evening. Burning hands and feet in evening. Alternating with sweat. Sweat: Thro whole night, with inclination to uncover. Foul or sour night sweat. From the slightest motion, more on forehead. Itching sweat.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Bry., Dulc., Lyc., Puls.,

Complementary: Chin., Sep.