Hyoscyamus niger


Mind.-- Imbecile and irrational. Total unconsciousness, he does not recognize his family and has no wants except thirst. When spoken to he answers properly, but immediately talks and acts irrationally, or relapse into unconsciousness. Unconscious delirium about his business, with closed eyes. Extraordinary forgetfulness and weakness of memory. Loquacious insanity shamelessness and lasciviousness, kissing mania, furious jealousy, buffoonery and clonic spasms. Rage with striking about, murderous frenzy and uncontrollable exhibition of strength. Loquacity. Confused babbling and prattling or much chattering, scolding and quarreling. Anger, and its consequences. Anxiety and fearfulness. Fear of being poisoned. Desire to escape. Melancholy, Unhappy love with jealousy. Unsociable, averse to light and company. Immoderate or silly laughter. Phantasies.

Vertigo.-- As if intoxicated.

Head.-- - Strong congestion to. Hydrocephalus. Meningitis with stupefaction. Stupefying pressive pain in forehead. Heating crawling and surging, as from strong beating of arteries in. Brain feels loose, when walking it swashes, surges and seems shattered. The head weaves and shakes to and fro, or its drawn to one side. Stitches in forehead. Takes cold in, from dry cold air. Worse: Evening: after eating and drinking, becoming cold, walking, especially in cold air, Better: Stooping, in warmth, at rest.

Eyes.-- Red, sparkling. Dull, staring look. Protruding. Distorted or squinting. Dilated pupils. Red sclerotic. Swollen lids. Spasmodic closures of. Diplopia. Dim vision. Night blindness. Surrounding objects appear enlarged or red.

Ears.-- Difficult hearing as if stupefied.

Nose.-- Nosebleed of bright red blood. Loss of smell (and taste.)

Face.-- Hot, red. Brownish red, swelled. Distorted, bluish. Feels about for with his hands. Trismus. Festering pain is soft parts between gums and cheeks.

Teeth.-- Tearing ache early in morning, with congestion to head, Ache after taking cold and in open air. Throbbing ache, as from an inflamed periosteum. He clenches them together tightly. Affected teeth seem loose, violent pains in gums.

Mouth.-- Foam at. Constriction of throat, with inability to swallow, especially fluids. Flow of salty saliva. Bloody saliva. Red tongue. Inability to speak, he utters inarticulate sounds.

Stomach.-- Great sensitiveness of pit to touch. Burning and inflammation of. Spasm of, vomiting.

Appetite: Ravenous hunger and unquenchable thirst, with inability to swallow. Thirst, drinking but little at a time. Convulsions after drinking.

Hiccough: Frequent, especially at night and after eating.

Vomiting: Of blood, bloody mucus or food. Retching and vomiting after every cough.

Abdomen.-- Painful soreness in muscles when coughing. Painful distension.

Stool.-- Frequent urging to, with scanty, infrequent evacuations. Involuntary, from paralysis of sphincter ani. Slender. Painless diarrhoea (in childbed).

Urine.-- Suppressed. Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge. Involuntary urination, as from paralysis of bladder.

Female.-- Menses: Too profuse. Suppressed. Hysterical spasms before. Uterine hemorrhage of brighter red blood, with spasms.

Respiration.-- Short. Slow and rattling. Catching, rattling, wheezing. Loss of breath, as after rapid running.

Cough.-- Nightly, dry, shattering, spasmodic c., from continuous tickling as from adherent mucus in throat (also in aged persons). In frequent paroxysms rapidly succeeding one another, like whooping cough, during rest as well as motion. Haemoptysis of bright red blood, with spasmodic attacks. Dry at night, but with expectoration of somewhat saltish mucus or bright red blood mixed with lumps by day.

Larynx.-- Husky voice from mucus in, and in tracheas.

Chest.-- Spasm of, with want of breath, necessitating leaning forward. Inflammation of lungs, with stitches in sides of. Soreness in muscles of.

Upper Extremities.-- Hands clenched over the flexed thumbs. Rigidity of hands. Carphology. Trembling of arms and hands. Coldness of hands and feet.

Lower Extremities.-- Spasm in posterior part of thigh and in calf.

Generalities.-- Extraordinary sinking of strength. Inflammation of internal parts. Spasms and convulsions. Convulsive twitching, with threshing about of hands and feet. Effects of taking cold, and cold air. Epileptic attacks, terminating in deep, snoring sleep. Apoplexy, with snoring. Insensibility of body. Complaints are intensified in the evening and after eating and drinking. The action of Hyoscyamus is often intermittent, that of Stram, continues, Hyos. has angular motions, Stram. has graceful motions.

Skin.-- Hot, dry, brittle. Brown or gangrenous spots on body, as in certain forms of typhus. Numerous, large boils. Bleeding ulcers.

Sleep.-- Deep, stupefying, with snoring. Starting up during and convulsions, especially after fright. Laughing during Coma vigil. Sleeplessness from anxiety or over - excitement.

Fever.-- Pulse: Accelerated, full, hard and strong, more seldom weak, slow and intermittent. Great distension of blood vessels. Chill: With shivering over whole body, and heat of face ascending from feet. Coldness at night, ascending back from lumbar region. He cannot get warm at all in bed at night. General coldness of body, with a glowing red face. Alternating with heat. Heat: Burning over entire body, every evening. Extraordinary congestion to head with a foul taste in mouth during heat. In evening, with thirst. Sweat: Continued, debilitating s. during sleep. Much and very violent. Cold and sometimes sour smelling. Most profuse on legs.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: BELL., Glon., Cupr., Gel., Op., Phos-sc., Plb., STRAM., Tab., Valer., Verat-a. Hyos. often intensified the action of Bell. or Stram.