Drosera rotundifolia


Mind.-- Anxiety, especially in evening and when alone. Fear of ghosts. Restless disposition. Great mistrust of others. Capricious. Obstinate. Trifles quickly put him beside himself. Inclination to drown himself.

Vertigo.-- When walking in open air.

Head.-- Pressive ache seeming to push out thro' forehead and zygoma, with stupefaction and qualmishness. Outward throbbing and hammering in forehead. Corrosive itching and painful soreness on scalp, better rubbing. Worse: Stooping, warmth. Better: Motion, cold.

Eyes.-- Prostration of. Outward stitches in, when stooping. Dazzled by light. Presbyopia, with contracted pupils. Letter run together when reading. Livid lids.

Ears.-- Sticking and forcing in, especially when swallowing. Difficult hearing with buzzing and roaring in.

Nose.-- Nose - bleed, in early morning and evening. He blows blood from. Black pores on. Constantly dry. Sensitive to sour odors.

Face.-- Pale, with sunken eyes. Puffed and livid. Pimply eruption on, with fine sticking pains, Faceache, worse pressure and touch. Black pores on chin.

Mouth.-- Sense of dryness in fauces, with absence of thirst. Bleeding from Ulceration of venum palati. Sticking in pharynx when swallowing. Scratching in throat from salty foods. Difficult swallowing of solids, as from narrowing of throat. Sensation as if crumbs of bread remained in pharynx. Bloody saliva. Hawks up yellow or green mucus. Constant collection of water in.

Appetite: Thirst in early morning. Thirst during the heat, but not during the chill. Aversion of pork.

Taste: Bitter: In mouth when eating, to bread. Food is tasteless.

Nausea, etc. - After fatty food. And retching. Vomiting: Nightly, of bile of only water, in early morning, of mucus and food, during or after coughing, of blood, after drinking.

Hypochondria: Contractive pain in, when coughing, it compels him to press upon the spot with his hands.

Abdomen.-- Drawn in (with the vomiting). Constriction Bellyache after sour nightly urination.

Female.-- Menses: Suppressed. Too late. Leucorrhoea, with labor - like cramps in abdomen.

Respiration.-- Bad smelling breath when coughing. Tightness of chest when talking, most while sitting. Compressive feeling in chest, when coughing and talking, as though' something there, held the voice and breath back. held the voice and breath back. Attacks of suffocation. Gasping for breath.

Cough.-- From contraction of lower abdomen. Ringing, as from dryness in trachea during. When coughing the chest is compressed, he must press thereon with his hands. When singing, causing biting in larynx. Caused by smoking or drinking. Violent whooping cough in periodically recurring (1 to 3 hours) attacks of barking or non - resonant coughing fits, which do not permit a recovery of the breath, excited by tickling, feeling of dryness or of soft feathers in larynx, dry in the evening, in morning with a little yellow, generally bitter expectoration, which must be swallowed. With scraping in throat, with bleeding from nose and mouth, and pains in hypochondria. Haemoptysis of bright red, foamy or black, coagulated blood. Green expectoration.

Larynx, etc.-- Constant roughness and dryness and in trachea. Sensation of a soft body (like a feather) in. Constriction of, when talking. Alternately soft (yellow, gray or green) and hard mucus in trachea. Inflammation of, and of trachea, with pain when talking. Phthisis of, and of trachea. Deep, husky voice.

Chest.-- Constriction. Sticking in. Pain compelling him to press it with hands when sneezing or coughing. Pressure on sternum causes festering pain there in. Black pores on, and on shoulder.

Upper Extremities.-- Feet constantly chilly and covered with cold sweat.

Generalities.-- Gnawing, sticking pain in joints. Paralytic, bruised sensation in limbs. Soreness of limbs upon which he lies, as if the bed were too hard. Rapid emaciation (galloping laryngeal phthisis). Epileptic attacks with twitching limbs, they are followed by sleepiness and expectoration of blood. Most symptoms are intensified at night and toward morning, as well as from warmth and during rest. Because of its many alternate effects, a repetition of the dose, without an intercurrent remedy is seldom beneficial, Sulphur and Veratrum are the most appropriate inter - current.

Bones.-- Gnawing, sticking pains thro' all long bones, worse during rest.

Skin.-- Intense itching when undressing, when scratched it easily peels off.

Sleep.-- Frequent starting up during. Sleepiness at noon and sunset.

Fever.-- Pulse, Unchanged. Chill: With a cold pale face and cold extremities. In forenoon. Internal, at night in bed and during rest. In the morning one (the left) half of face is cold, the other (or right) is hot. And shuddering during rest, it seems too cold every where, even in bed. Chill by day, heat by night. Heat: Almost entirely on face and head. Increased warmth of upper part of body in evening. Intermittent fever with sore throat and inclination to vomit. Sweat: Warm, at night, especially, after midnight and in morning, most profuse on face. Cold, on forehead.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Cim., Hep., Ip., Nux-v., Sep., Spo., Verat-a.

Complementary: Sul., Verat-a.