This plant inhabits damp regions, or the borders of brooks. Its stem is erect, cylindrical, growing to a height of about six feet out of a rhizoma sending off numerous rootlets. It is provided with knots, whence arise large alternate clasping leaves, whose lanceolate limbs have strong midribs, sending off fine parallel transverse nerves. At its summit the stem bears the flower-bearing pedicels. Flowers alternate, on short peduncles, and accompanied by bracts. The corol has a double perianth, with three divisions adhering to the triangular, greenish and glandular ovary; the stamens present the changing characters so common in this family. We use the leaves.

An infusion of the leaves was recommended for the lepra; but this empirical application of the drug has been abandoned. 1. Whitish expectoration in the morning. Numbness at the instep. He dreams about doctors, treatment. Vertigo on waking. 5. Heat at the anus. Lancinations at the feet, legs and hands. Pain in the chest. Swelling of the fingers. Weakness of sight. 10. Itching of the skin. Weariness in the chest. Peeling off of the skin. Roughness in the throat. Excited sexual desire. 15. Too sudden emission of the semen, and without thrill. Heat at the ears. Constipation.