Black Pepper
Sensation of burning and pressure everywhere.
Mind.--Sad, apprehensive. Unable to concentrate; starts at any noise.
Head.--Heavy headache, as if temples were pressed in; pressure in nasal and facial bones. Eyes inflamed and burning. Red burning face. Bursting aching in eyeballs. Nose itches; sneezing; nosebleed. Lips dry and cracked.
Throat.--Sore, feels raw, burns. Burning pain in tonsils.
Stomach.--Gastric discomfort. Full feeling. Great thirst. Flatulence. Tympanites. Colic and cramps.
Chest.--Dyspnoea, cough with pain in chest in spots, feels as if spitting blood. Palpitation, cardiac pain slow intermittent pulse. Great flow of milk.
Urinary.--Burning in bladder and urethra. Difficult micturition. Bladder feels full, swollen; frequent inclination without success. Priapism.
Dose.--Low attenuations.