sarracenia purpurea

Materia Medica

A remedy for variola. Visual disorders. Congestion to head, with irregular heart action. Chlorosis. Contains a very active proteolytic enzyme. Sick headache; throbbing in various parts, especially in neck, shoulders and head, which feels full to bursting.

Eyes: Photophobia. Eyes feel swollen and sore. Pain in orbits. Black objects move with the eye.

Stomach: Hungry all the time, even after a meal. Sleepy during meals. Copious, painful vomiting.

Back: Pains shooting in zig-zag course from lumbar region to middle of scapula.

Extremities: Limbs weak; bruised pain in knees and hip-joints. Bones in arm pain. Weak between shoulders.

Skin: Variola, aborts the disease, arrests pustulation.


Tartar em; Variol; Maland