platinum metallicum

Materia Medica

Is pre-eminently a woman's remedy. Strong tendency to paralysis, anaesthesia, localized numbness and coldness are shown. Hysterical spasms; pains increase and decrease gradually (Stannum). Tremulousness.

Mind: Irresistible impulse to kill. Self-exaltation; contempt for others. Arrogant, proud. Weary of everything. Everything seems changed. Mental trouble pressed menses. Physical symptoms disappear as mental symptoms develop.

Head: Tense, pressing pain, confined to a small spot. Cramplike, squeezing pain. Constriction about forehead and right temples. Numbness, with headache.

Eyes: Objects look smaller than they are. Twitching of lids (Agar). Eyes feel cold. Cramp-like pain in orbits.

Ears: Feels numb. Cramp-like twinges. Roaring and rumbling.

Face: Prosopalgia, with numb feeling in malar bones, as if the parts were between screws. Pain at root of nose, as if squeezed in a vise. Coldness, creeping, and numbness, in whole right side of face. Pains increase and decrease gradually (Stann).

Stomach: Fermentation, much flatulence; constriction; ravenous hunger; persistent nausea, with anxiety and weakness.

Abdomen: Painter's colic. Pain in umbilical region; extending through to back. Pressing and bearing down in abdomen; extending into pelvis.

Stool: Retarded; feces scanty; evacuated with difficulty. Adheres to rectum, like soft clay. Sticky stool. Constipation of travelers, who are constantly changing food and water. Stool as if burnt.

Female: Parts hypersensitive. Tingling internally and externally (Kali brom; Orig). Ovaries sensitive and burn. Menses too early, too profuse, dark-clotted, with spasms and painful bearing-down, chilliness, and sensitiveness of parts. Vaginismus. Nymphomania. Excessive sexual development; vaginismus. Pruritus vulvae. Ovaritis with sterility. Abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia.

Extremities: Tightness of thighs, as if too tightly wrapped. Numb and weary sensation. Feel paralyzed.

Sleep: Sleeps with legs far apart (Chamom).

Modalities: Worse, sitting and standing; evening. Better, walking.


Puls. Platina antidotes the bad effects of lead


Rhodium; Stann; Valer; Sep.


Plat mur nat (polyuria and salivation


Sedum acre (sexual irritability, relieves irritation of nerve centers and gives rest


also: Platinum muriaticum (this remedy has achieved beneficial results after Iodide of Potash failed to cure in syphilitic affection; violent occipital headaches, dysphagia, and syphilitic throat and bone affections; caries of bones of feet