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Zingiber officinale. Ginger. N. O. Zingiberaceae. Tincture of dried rhizome.

Clinical.-Albuminuria. Asthma. Breath, offensive. Deltoid rheumatism. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Flatulence. Ozaena. Post-nasal catarrh. Seminal emissions. Spleen, pains in. Urine, suppressed.

Characteristics.-Zng. was proved by Franz and others, and their symptoms make a full pathogenesis. The genito-urinary and respiratory systems were strongly affected. Farrington says ginger is not a safe food to give in kidney affections, as it has caused Bright's disease. Prolonged retention of urine; or complete cessation of the function of the kidneys is an indication for Zng. In the provers it produced a cheerful, good-humoured state of mind; and when this occurs when the opposite might rather be expected, Zng. will probably be the remedy. For instance, in asthma, Farrington gives this indication: Asthma, of gastric origin; attacks come in the night, towards morning. Patient must sit up to breathe; but despite the severity of the paroxysm, there is no anxiety. The nasal mucous membrane is affected as markedly as that of the lungs. Ozaena and postnasal catarrh are among the symptoms. Like most condiments, Zng. has a specific action on the digestive organs, causing flatulence and other symptoms of indigestion; pressure in stomach as from a shot. Zng. has < from eating bread; and especially from eating melons. It causes diarrhoea or constipation, and sets up some irritation of the rectum. Peculiar Sensations are: As if head too large. Confused and empty in head. As if contents of head pressed into forehead and root of nose on stooping. As if right eye were pressing out, with headache. As if a board pressing through head. As if head were pressed. As from a grain of sand in eye. As if there were an obstacle in throat to swallow over. As of a stone in stomach. Empty feeling in stomach. As if beaten in lower back. A shock-like moving downward as from a dropping fluid in left loin. Pain as from weakness in sacral region. Pain as from over-work in left deltoid. As from over-strung muscles in bend of knee. As if going to faint. The symptoms are: < By touch. < Lying. > Sitting; standing. Motion