
Mineral springs at Vichy, in France. [Grande-Grille springs, containing in 100 parts: Carbonic acid 4.418, Mur. ac. 0.344, Sulphuric acid 0.164, Sil. ac. 0.070, Phos. ac. 0.070, Arsenic acid 0.001, Ferric oxide 0.002, Sodium 2.488, Potassium 0.182, Calcium 0.169, Magnesium 0.097.] Dilution.

Clinical.-Bladder, catarrh of. Constipation. Diabetes. Gall-stones. Gout. Gravel. Heartburn. Indigestion. Intermittent fevers. Liver, affections of. Neck, stiff. Rheumatism. Salivation. Skin, affections of. Uterus, affections of.

Characteristics.-The springs of Vichy are alkaline, both hot and cold. They are used in a large number of maladies, especially (1) diseases of the digestive tract; (2) diseases of the liver with or without calculi; (3) abdominal engorgements consequent on paludal fevers; (4) chronic engorgements of the uterus; (5) catarrh of the bladder; (6) gravel; (7) gout and rheumatism; (8) diabetes mellitus; (9) skin diseases (Constantin James). Croserio proved Vichy, taking the water, and triturations of the salt and dilutions. His symptoms make up the Schema. Among the most prominent symptoms were stitches: stitches below mastoid; in chest; in right loin and in heart. Across the chest there was a sensation as of a bar impeding breathing. Sinking sensation; and sensation as if about to be sick. Burning flatulence. In the nose there were illusions of smell; corpse-like odour; odour of cucumbers. After coitus there was excessive weakness as if from hunger. The symptoms are: < From cold; from draughts of air. < After eating; when eating. (Uneasiness is > by dinner.) < When seated. < After coitus.

Relations.-Compare: Nat. mur. Stitching pains, K. ca. Bar sensation, Haematox., Ars., Ox. ac. < From coitus, K. ca., K. bi., Staph. Illusory smells, Anac.


1. Mind.-Very low-spirited; felt as though some misfortune about to happen; causelessly anxious about the future.

2. Head.-Slight compressive pain in forehead and temples.-Painful stitching in r. temple for some minutes.-Stitching below r. mastoid process, followed by griping in middle abdomen, then return of stitching.-Stitches in petrous portion of temporal bone.-Pressure at occiput with general uneasiness, as if fever were coming on.-Stitches in occiput below l. tuberosity.-Itching of head: violent in morning on rising; in forehead.

3. Eyes.-Stinging in eyes with lachrymation.-Pain below l. eye like pressure after breakfast.-Different coloured sparks before eyes in morning.

4. Ears.-Stitches in bones below ears.

5. Nose.-Coryza.-Fetid, corpse-like odour in nose, morning on rising.-Very strong smell of cucumbers in nose, morning.

6. Face.-Sharp stitching between articulation of jaw and l. temple.-Twisting pain in lower jaw, near ethmoid process, as if jaw was swollen, when masticating on that side.-Red and sore pimples on upper lip.

8. Mouth.-Mouth very dry, with very bitter taste all day.-Saliva: abundant, immediately; salty, with burning in stomach.-Taste: bitter and clammy; bitter in evening with thirst; bitter, morning on rising.

11. Stomach.-Great hunger.-Keen relish.-Diminished thirst (in spite of hot weather).-Longing for wine.-Craving for food as from feebleness of stomach, with sick feeling without hunger.-Heartburn.-Transient nausea while eating.-Acidity.-Belching.-Pinching; griping: burning in stomach.-After the first swallow, cutting pain throughout whole stomach.-Burning in stomach < afternoon.

12. Abdomen.-Shooting in liver.-Compressive pain in l. hypochondrium.-Emission of burning flatulence, with slight urging to stool.-Borborygmus, with gripings, during day.-Distension and uneasiness.-Burning borborygmi.-Griping and colic.-Feeling of desire for stool, only wind passes.-In evening sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, with sensation of hunger at an unusual hour.

13. Stool and Anus.-Ineffectual urging to stool, only wind passes.-Very difficult stool with copious flatulence, followed by burning and uneasiness in rectum.-Large, soft stool.-Copious diarrhoeic stool.

14. Urinary Organs.-Griping in bladder, morning.-Frequent urination during night.-Urine: abundant, watery, foamy.

15. Male Sexual Organs.-Strong and long-lasting erections without desire.-Excessive itching: at orifice of glans, fossa navicularis, scrotum.-Desire diminished.-Excessive weakness after coition, as if suffering from hunger.

17. Respiratory Organs.-Dry cough produced by a pricking or tickling in the neck; followed by fluent coryza.-Cough at night with difficult expectoration.

18. Chest.-Painful uneasiness in chest followed by expectoration of purulent matter.-Sensation in chest as if a bar across it preventing respiration, followed by a cough with expectoration of thick mucus.-Tearing pain at border of false ribs on both sides.-Stitches in r. chest, evenings.-Very painful stitches in r. chest, corresponding to commencement of cartilaginous portion of two first false ribs, and extending below and behind breast towards back.

19. Heart.-Stitch in heart followed by stitch in r. lumbar region, when seated.

20. Neck and Back.-Painful stiffness of muscles of back of neck and l. scaleni as after making a false step; moving these parts is very painful.-Stitch in r. loin when seated, following stitch in heart.

22. Upper Limbs.-Bruised pain in arms.-Bruising pain in fingers and uneasiness as if a fever were coming on, after lunch.

23. Lower Limbs.-Stitch in r. tibia, extending from upper part of instep.

24. Generalities.-Uneasiness as if fever coming on.-Weakness after coition.-Very sensitive to cold and draughts.

25. Skin.-Pimples: on lip: back of neck, with pricking.-Pricking and itching compelling scratching, which >, but itching returns.

26. Sleep.-Sleepy: after dinner; in evening; fatiguing dreams, but sleep more prolonged than usual.