Natrum Nitricum.

Nitrate of Sodium. Cubic Nitre. Chili Saltpetre. Sodic Nitrate. NaNO3, Trituration. Solution.

Clinical.-Anaemia. Constipation. Debility. Distension. Flatulence. Otalgia. Otitis.

Characteristics.-Na. n. has had a considerable proving, and among the peculiar symptoms were: Heat in left ear; coldness in right. Heat spreading left to right. Coldness streaming through upper part of body. Coldness of left foot. Pressing-inward pains: in temple and forehead; in malar bones. Flatulent troubles with weight in lower abdomen. Painful retraction of abdominal muscles. Painful constipation. Anaemia and excessive exhaustion. The symptoms were < by exertion; ascending stairs; sitting bent over; deep inspiration. Na. n. was Rademacher's Aconite. He used it in inflammations of all kinds, especially laryngo-tracheitis and croup, acute pneumonia, acute rheumatism and heart affections, purpura, haemorrhages, inflammations of the eye, exophthalmic goître (Hansen).

Relations.-Compare: K. nit. Abdomen mostly contracted, constipation, Plumb. (Na. n. should be a good antidote to lead poisoning).


1. Mind.-Great ill-humour (mental indolence).

2. Head.-Head dull; as from too much study.-Pressing inward pain l. temple and forehead, with heat.

4. Ears.-Pain in r. ear, as if in drum; with sensation of binding up in ears.-Otalgia: in evening; with warmth in ear, coldness of r. concha, burning heat of l., which extends beyond the temple.

6. Face.-Face pale, thin.-Inward pressing in malar bones.

8. Mouth.-Tongue whitish.-Distressing burning dryness in mouth and throat.

9. Throat.-Some dull stitches back of throat on drawing air through nose (evening, in bed).

10. Appetite.-Coppery taste on lips and tongue.-Acid taste.-Appetite diminished.-Repugnance to coffee.

11. Stomach.-Sour risings.-Sufferings from flatulency, with pressive pains, esp. in epigastrium and chest, < by movement, and > by risings or expulsion of flatus.-Flatulence with pressure in pit of stomach and under sternum.

12. Abdomen.-Distended abdomen, with a feeling of heaviness in it, followed by emission of a quantity of wind and eructations.-Painful retraction of abdominal muscles towards spinal column.

13. Stool and Anus.-Constipation: faeces of a large size; the stool is discharged with difficulty, slow, and with the sensation after the stool as if the faeces were still remaining.-Stool always consisted of isolated faecal masses, evacuated with great exertion; during last days of proving constant desire to go to stool.-Stool indolent, only after effort, leaving sensation as if more to follow.-Stool retarded one day.

14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent distressing desire, increased mucous secretion of passages.-Profuse emission (in spite of summer heat and profuse perspiration).-Urine very light colour and high specific gravity.

18. Chest.-Pressive pains below outer part r. pectoral muscle, as if between and on ribs, on deep breathing, whilst sitting bent over.

19. Heart.-Pulse become slower; smaller, softer.

21. Limbs.-Aching, contusive pain in the joints; and in adductors of thighs.

22. Upper Limbs.-Pressing-asunder pain in first joint of r. index and middle fingers.

24. Generalities.-The blood became colour of cherry juice; white corpuscles increased, red diminished; watery constituents increased.-Weakness, disinclined for exertion.-Exhaustion, esp. in knees, during a walk (after a slight venesection).-Exhaustion < every motion, esp. going up stairs.

26. Sleep.-Overpowering inclination to sleep, which, however, did not refresh.

27. Fever.-A fine cold sensation streams through body, esp. upper part and arms, followed by increased warmth after a quarter of an hour in bed.-General shivering chill at times.-Feet cold (and feel cold) up to calves.-Icy coldness of l. foot extending half up leg (both in warm room and when walking).-Whole l. concha becomes burning hot, r. remaining cold; heat soon extended over l. temple, then changed to pressing-inward pain; later heat spread to r. side of head, esp. concha, thence over face with pressive pain in l. frontal sinuses, in afternoon.