Gaultheria procumbens. Wintergreen. N. O. Ericaceae. Tincture of fresh leaves. Oil obtained from leaves. An evergreen trailing vine found in cool, damp woods. The oil contains methyl salicylate, and is one of the sources of Salicin.
Clinical.-Gastritis. Neuralgia. Pleurodynia. Rheumatism. Sciatica.
Characteristics.-Several cases of poisoning with the oil have been recorded in which symptoms of acute gastritis appeared: prolonged vomiting, set up afresh by the least thing taken, as a cup of water; severe pain in epigastrium, slow, laborious breathing, insensibility and hot skin. Inhalation of Ammonia aroused the patients from stupor. B. F. Lang (H. R., ix. 214, 340) has related his experience with material doses in-ciliary neuralgia; facial neuralgia; gastric, ovarian, uterine, and menstrual neuralgias; sciatica; and inflammatory rheumatism.
Relations.-Compare: Bry., Rhus, Salol., Nat. salicyl., Kalmia, Ledum.
1. Mind.-Very stupid soon.
4. Ears.-Marked dulness of hearing.
9. Throat.-Tongue dry, smooth, and slightly swollen; speech rather indistinct from the swelling.
11. Stomach.-Inordinate, uncontrollable appetite for food, notwithstanding irritability of stomach; everything taken, even cold water, is immediately rejected.-Very severe pain in epigastrium and inferior part of the hypochondria, greatly < by pressure of finger.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Pleurodynia with pain in anterior mediastinum.