Derris Pinnata.
N. O. Leguminosae. (Cochin China.) Tincture of plant.
Clinical.-Asthma. Blepharospasm. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Eyes, inflammation of. Locomotor ataxy. Mania. Ozaena. Smell, sense of, affected. Tic-douloureux.
Characteristics.-Dr. X. Roussel is the authority for this plant, and some of the symptoms are of a very peculiar nature. "He walks as if stepping on down." "He is afraid of killing some one with a knife." Both kinds of tic are noted-painful and convulsive. Sense of smell is exalted. "He perceives celestial odours;" also "intolerable smells, after frequent sneezing." Viscid urine, and viscid saliva. Electric shocks and cramps. Heat > toothache. Many symptoms, including diarrhoea, come on at night. < From touch.
Relations.-Compare: Anacard. (sense of smell); Sticta, &c. (levitation); Ign. (ball in throat, hysteria).
1. Mind.-Fancies he is sea-sick.-Suicidal.-Is afraid of killing some one with a knife.-Disposed to strike, and inveighs against his dearest friends.-Weeping and singing alternately; great flow of ideas.-Loss of memory.
2. Head.-Vertigo; is afraid of falling if he turns his head to r. or l.-Sensation as if needles and nails were being driven into head (6 p.m. at evening meal).-Painful lancinations l. side of head with vomiting of mucus and burning along oesophagus.-Scalp excessively painful; slightest touch < the pain.
3. Eyes.-Cannot raise lids or eyebrows.-Painful lancinations in both eyes, extending to bottom of orbits.-Swelling of l. caruncula lachrymalis with large ecchymosis of l. eye.-Vision dim; black points before eye.
4. Ears.-Swelling, redness and heat of auricle.-Hearing impaired or excessively acute.-Cracking in ears when swallowing.
5. Nose.-Tip of nose red.-Fluent coryza.-Sense of smell exalted; celestial odours.-Intolerable smells after frequent sneezing.
6. Face.-Face puffy.-Tic-douloureux and tic convulsive.-Burning in l. cheek.-Pain in whole lower jaw as if the teeth were being pulled out.
7. Teeth.-Teeth become loose; previously loose teeth become very painful.-Toothache at night, < by cold, > by heat.
8. Mouth.-Formication and trembling of tongue.-Painful, dry, cracked tongue.-Salivation with engorged submaxillary glands.-Copious salivation, with aphthae, and thready, viscid mucus.
9. Throat.-Red swelling of tonsils, uvula and velum; tickling of uvula.-Sensation as of ball in oesophagus with cramps there.
11. Stomach.-Bad-smelling eructations.-Hiccough with deep anguish and burning in stomach.
12. Abdomen.-Sensation of swelling in liver and spleen.-Cramp-like pains; diarrhoea with anguish.-Fetid flatulence.-Griping, > lying on abdomen.
13. Stool and Anus.-Haemorrhoids; constriction; formication.-Sensation of foreign body in anus.-Diarrhoea and weakness after vomiting.-Involuntary stools at night, white or yellowish.-Burning or sharp pains with bloody stools.
14. Urinary Organs.-Pains in kidneys; in bladder; injury; sometimes incontinence.-Gluey, fetid urine discharged guttatim.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Swelling of uterus; weight behind uterus; feeling as if about to prolapse.-Leucorrhoea, with menstruation twice a month.-Cramp-like pains during menses.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Feeling of suffocation with fetid breath; must sit up in bed at night.-Cramp-like pains, and lancinations behind sternum.
19. Heart.-Violent palpitation; heart seems to be beating in water.
20. Neck and Back.-Violent pains in nape and neck with swelling.-Feeling as if a small stream of water was running from one ear to the other across nape of neck, causing terrible pain.
22. Upper Limbs.-Paralytic pains, commencing in entire l. upper extremity (also in r. less frequently).-Rheumatic pains from shoulder to finger-tips.-Cramp-like pains at insertion of deltoid > by pressure.
23. Lower Limbs.-Electric shocks in muscles of leg.-Intense sciatic pains.-Staggers; he walks as if stepping on down.
25. Skin.-Skin of abdomen painful.
26. Sleep.-Sleep after a meal.