Cicuta Maculata.
Cicuta maculata. Water Hemlock. Spotted Cow-bane. Beaver-poison. N. O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of root gathered in summer.
Clinical.-Epilepsy. Tetanus.
Characteristics.-The effects of the C. maculata are very like those of the Virosa, the most prominent symptom being: Falls unconscious, tetanic or clonic convulsions. Body covered with sweat. For comparisons see Cic. v.
1. Mind.-Fell on their way, and were picked up unconscious.
2. Head.-Dizziness.-Head hot.
3. Eyes.-Astonishing mobility of eyeballs and eyelids with widely dilated pupils.
6. Face.-Face bloated like that of a drowned person, deathly pale.-Face livid, even purple.-Jaws rigid.
8. Mouth.-Bloody foam from nose and mouth.
9. Throat.-Spasm of muscles of deglutition on presenting anything to mouth.
11. Stomach.-Nausea and vomiting; frothy, glairy fluid.
12, 13. Abdomen and Stool.-Pain in bowels; ineffectual desire for Stool.
20, 21. Back and Limbs.-Falls backward in convulsions.-Every muscle in the body in powerful clonic spasm.-Body and extremities cold.
26. Sleep.-During intervals of vomiting lay in deep sleep.
27. Fever.-Head hot.-Profuse sweat over whole body.