Apium Graveolens

Celery. N. O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of seeds. Tincture of sticks.

Clinical.-Fidgets. Headache. Heartburn. Otorrhoea. Post-nasal catarrh. Rumination. Toothache. Urine, retention of. Urticaria.

Characteristics.-A proving of tincture of seeds produced the following symptoms: Unpleasant feeling at stomach, with belchings tasting of celery. Heartburn. Spitting up of food. Gone feeling at pit of stomach lasting for hours and partially relieved by eating.-Effects of eating the root: during the following day and night, most obstinate retention of urine, which could only be relieved by the catheter. On another person this was observed: Inability to sit still or lie still in bed from feeling of "fidgets"; cannot keep mind from I thinking. In a proving under the direction of W. P. Wesselhoeft (Med. Advance, April, 1886) a remarkable symptom was: a dull ache in sacrum < when lying down, > when moving about. Another symptom was "sensation as if both eyes were sunken back into their sockets." Throbbing headaches, < by slightest motion; > by rest, mostly left-sided. Urticaria, always appearing with shuddering; intense stinging itching with rapid change of location. Pressure in stomach preceding urticaria, and relieved when it appears. Toothache in left molars > by holding cold water in the mouth. Hering cured with Apium g. an old abscess near the umbilicus. Allen mentions: "Profuse discharge from granulating ulcers, intense constriction over sternum, with drawing feeling through to back on lying down," as having been cured by it.


1. Mind.-Cannot keep mind from thinking.

2. Head.-Frontal headache; over r. eye and r. temple; < during night.-Dull pain r. temple with nausea.-Pain in l. temple spreads over l. side of face and top of head.-Pain as from a jar or blow deep in l. temporal region, a throbbing ache.-Painful throbbing < by expiring through nose.-Headaches: > while eating; in open air; closing eyes; complete rest drinking cold water; by hot compresses. < After eating; by light; by reading or studying; by slightest motion or nodding head.

3. Eyes.-Eyeballs feel as if sunken into sockets.

4. Ears.-Partial deafness (< l.), painless pulsation.-Troublesome otorrhoea.

5. Nose.-Tough pearl-coloured discharge from nostrils.-Sudden dropping of mucus into posterior nares.-Tickling in nostrils with sneezing, forenoon.-Tickling in r. nostril with watery discharge and sneezing.-Nostrils stuffed, with pain in forehead.

8. Mouth.-Sore spot on tip of tongue.-Dull, sore pain on upper and lower teeth.-Toothache > by cold water.

9. Throat.-Soft palate and fauces sore, dark red and swollen.-Air rushing down posterior nares hurts back of throat.

11. Stomach.-Unpleasant feeling at stomach with belchings tasting of celery.-Heartburn.-Spitting up of food.-Sore feeling at pit of stomach lasting for hours and partially relieved by eating.-Desire for oranges; for oatmeal.

13. Stool and Anus.-Three urgent well-formed stools during the day.-Before stool sharp pain from abdomen directly into rectum, with feeling that she cannot retain stool a moment.

14. Urinary Organs.-Obstinate retention of urine, could only be relieved by catheter.

17. Respiratory Organs.-Tickling in top of windpipe causing dry cough.-Wheezing breathing during the night.-Can count heart-beats by hearing and feeling it in chest.

20. Neck and Back.-Muscles of back of neck painful on motion, sore to pressure.-Dull pain in sacrum with slight bellyache.-Pain in sacrum more to l. side extending to lumbar region.-Pain in sacrum > after rising from bed and moving about; < lying down.-Red, intensely itching blotches on l. sacral region.

23. Lower Limbs.-Growing pains in r. leg during night.-Burning on inside of thighs.-Raw, excoriated surfaces on inner thighs extending into groins, < l. side.-Red itching blotches on inside l. foot, and outside ankle.

24. Generalities.-Inability to sit still, or lie still in bed from feeling of fidgets; cannot keep mind from thinking.

25. Skin.-Itching on all parts.-Red elevated pimples like stings of insects; intense itching; itching changes location by scratching; < after undressing in evening; during night till 4 a.m.

26. Sleep.-Sleepless; not fatigued by loss of sleep.-Sleep broken by bruised pain in l. temporal region.

27. Fever.-Perspiration on forehead on awaking 4 a.m.