Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia HomöopathieNervous tembling. Squeezing or stinging smarting, as if cut. Pains that move into teeth.
Morbidly sensitive; easily offended. Always angry. Gloomy and petulant; throws things. Poor memory. Hypochondriasis. Sexually minded; unsatisfied urge; widows. Sheepish; sensitive mentally and physically. Imagines insults. Irritable, nervous, excitable and violent. Brain feels torn. Compressive, stupefying headache. As of a heavy load in forehead. Moist, foul, eroding milk-crust; < occiput. Dryness in eyes. Nodes in lids. Styes. Blepharitis. Sickly, peaked and hollow-eyed. Neuralgia, from caries; pains go to eyes. Coryza, now thick, now thin; ulcerating. Swelled sub-mental gland; abscess. Pale, bleeding gums. Loose, aching, black, crumbling teeth; < eating and during menses; > hard pressure and heat. Pyorrhœa. Musty taste. Hungry; craves milk. Colic; flatulent; ovarian; < coition. Dysentery. Irritable bladder. Urinates a slender stream. Trickling or burning along posterior urethra; < after walking or riding, > urinating. Priapism. Prostatitis. Dysuria; of brides; in pregnancy (Pop-t.). Itching or sensitive vulva. Pains from ovaries into thighs. Salpingitis. Crural neuralgia. Tight chest, at close of coition. Cough, < cleaning teeth or alternating with sciatica. Violent yawning; brings tears; after headache. Pains that precede shingles. Backache; in bed in A.M. Fine tearing in or numb fingertips. Nodes on finger joints. Skin symptoms, alternate with joints pains. Weak knees. Biting itching; as of vermin; changing place on scratching. LACERATED WOUNDS; < sphincters; perineum, etc.; stitch pains. Amorous dreams, with pollutions. Sweat and flatus smell like bad eggs.
Delphinium staphisagria ist verfügbar bei Remedia Homöopathie
Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia HomöopathieAndere Namen für dieses homöopathische Arzneimittel: Delphinium staphisagria, delphin, Delphinium staphysagria, Rittersporn, scharfer, scharfer Rittersporn, Staphisagria, Staphysagria, Stavesacre, Stefanskörner,