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Mind.-- Placidity in the most dangerous diseases. Vivid imagination and increased courage with stupefaction and dullness of all senses. Heightened power of imagination even to ecstasy. Imbecility and stupid indifference. Unconsciousness and dullness of mind and senses. Phantasy illusions and caricatures before eyes with, a great throng of scattered idea. Insanity and delirium with hideous or ecstatic visions, alternating with somnolency, especially of drunkards, Contented and careless. Cheerfulness with joyous mood. Fearless and audacious. After effects of fright with fear, i. e., heat of head, spasms, etc. Grief from mortification, then spasms, etc. Fear of death. Agreeable fancies cause her to forget her sufferings. Loquacious delirium with open eyes and a red face. Easily frightened.

Vertigo.-- Stupefying, when raising up, compelling him to lie down. Stupefaction and full confusion of head, like a vapor in brain, as from intoxication.

Head.-- Aching in forehead. Violent congestion to. Extraordinary heaviness of. Tremulous twitching of (and of arms and hands), intermingled with jerks, as if from over - active flexor muscles. Worse: Moving eyes. Better: Motion, uncovering head.

Eyes.-- Dry heat and burning in. Red, inflamed. Half open and turned upward. Upper lids hang down relaxed. Staring look. dilated, immobile pupils. Obscuration of vision: Paralysis of optic nerve or cataract.

Face.-- Bloated, dark red and hot. Bluish. pale or earth - colored countenance. distended blood vessels on. Relaxation of all facial muscles and drooping of lower lip. Profuse sweat on. Spasm of facial muscles, especially about mouth. Trismus.

Mouth.-- Dry (with or without thirst). Inability to swallow. Profuse salivation. Paralysis of tongue and difficult speech.

Stomach.-- Heaviness and pressure in. Inactive digestive organs.

Appetite: Aversion to all food. Violent third. thirstless.

Vomiting: Sour, also sour eructations. Of ingesta (after mental emotions) with violent pale in stomach and convulsions. Having a urinous or fecal odor. Ineffectual retching.

Abdomen.-- Hard, distended. Heaviness. as of a load in (Pul.) Lead colic. Incarcerated inguinal hernia.

Stool.-- Offensive, involuntary a. diarrhoea. constipation from inactivity of intestines. Spasmodic retention of, especially in small intestines. Tenesmus.

Urine.-- Suppressed discharge of, as from inactivity of bladder. Scanty discharge of dark red u., with sediment.

Sexual Organs.-- Violently excited sexual desire and strong erections Spasmodic, labor - like pains in uterus. Cessation of labor pains during parturition, with twitchings and convulsions.

Respiration.-- Rattling. Deep snoring r., with open mouth. Difficult and intermittent, as from paralysis of lungs. anxious oppression of. Suffocative attacks like nightmare, during sleep.

Cough.-- With obstructed breathing and blue face. With expectoration of frothy blood and mucus.

Larynx.-- Violent hoarseness from dryness of throat.

Chest.-- Tension and constriction of.

Back.-- Drawing in muscles of. Opisthotonos. Lumbar pains.

Neck: Blood vessels distended, and strong pulsation of carotid.

Extremities.-- Twitching and convulsions of arms and legs. Trembling in arms and hands. Distended blood vessels on hands.

Generalities.-- Trembling of entire body, with external coldness thereof, jerking and twitching of limbs. Trembling of limbs after fright. Convulsions with sudden, loud shrinks. During attacks entire body becomes stiff. Sensation of humming or buzzing thro' entire body. Insensibility of body and limbs. Painlessness with his complaints he complains of nothing wants nothing. Quiet repose. Want of sensitiveness to external impressions and medicines, with want of reaction of vital force. Paralysis without pain. Internal sensation of strength and vigor. Increased excitability and activity of voluntary muscles with a corresponding decreases in the involuntary ones. Renewal and increase of symptoms from becoming heated Applicable almost solely to recent complaints. Frequently suitable for tipplers and the aged. After fright it helps only when given immediately.

Skin.-- Dry, burning beat of. Dropsical swelling of entire body. Redness and itching of. Blue spots on.

Sleep.-- Stupefying. unrefreshing. Stupefying, with half open eyes and snoring breathing during inhalation or exhalation. After every attack. Somnolency, with dreams, from which cannot be aroused. Early in morning it is especially difficult to awaken him.

Fever.-- Pulse: Very changeable, full and slow, with heavy, snoring breathing, quick and hard, with heat and rapid anxious respiration, toward the end, weak and intermittent.Chill: And diminished vital heat, with stupefaction and weak, almost imperceptible pulse. Entire body is cold and quite stiff. Coldness of external members only. Heat: With sweating skin predominates, spreading from head or stomach over entire body. Burning, of entire sweating body, with a glowing red face, then stupefying sleep, with snoring, With inclination to uncover. Sweat: Much strong, over the entire, burning, hot body, with snoring sleep. Early in morning, general, strong, hot s., with inclination to uncover. Of upper, with dry heat of lower part of body. Cold, on forehead. Immoderate, hot. Burning fever, with stupefying somnolency, snoring, jerking of limbs, suppressed evacuations and hot sweat.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Aco., Ant-t., BELL., Bro., CAM., Carb-v., Cic., Coff., colch., Croc., cupr., Dig., Gel., Glo., Hyos., Ip, MERC., Mos., Nux-v., Phos., Phos - ac. PLB., Stram., Tab.

Complementary: Alu., Bry., Phos., Plb.