Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia Homöopathie[Bov.]
Mind.-- Distraction. Awkwardness. Weak memory. Sadness, with restlessness. Easily offended: takes everything in bad part. Unusual candor and talkativeness.
Vertigo.-- Stupefying, with vanishing of senses. Intoxication from a small quantity of wine. Reeling and confusion in head after coition.
Head.-- Headache deep in brain, with feeling as if head were growing large. Ulcerative pain in. Nightly ache, worse raising up. Soreness of scalp.
Eyes.-- Pressure in orbits. Weak, dim. Objects appear too near.
Ears.-- Purulent, bad - smelling discharge from. Indistinct hearing, misunderstands what is spoken.
Nose.-- Crusts, with burning pain in.
Face.-- Frequent, rapid changes of color. Head of, with sense of swelling in cheeks. Pale swelling of upper lip, nose and cheeks. Fissured lips. Angles of mouth ulcerated.
Teeth.-- Drawing ache in evening, and at night, ceasing in warmth and when walking in open air. Gums bleed easily and profusely.
Mouth.-- Bad odor from. Burning in pharynx. Numbness of buccal cavity. Painfully sore ulcers on edge of tongue. Stuttering.
Stomach.-- Coldness, as if a lump of ice lay therein.
Appetite: Violent hunger. Thirst for cold drinks in afternoon and evening.
Taste: Putrid or bloody, in mouth.
Nausea: With shivering, all forenoon.
Abdomen.-- Ulcerative pain in. Cutting bellyache, worse during rest.
Flatulence: Flatulent colic, with chill and coldness, especially after stool. Discharge of very foul smelling flatus.
Stool.-- Constipation. Diarrhoea, with ulcerative pain in abdomen. - during menses.
Urine.-- Frequent urging to urinate.
Sexual Organs.-- Intensified sexual desire. Frequent pollution.
Female.-- Menses: Too early, and too profuse. Bloody discharge during intermenstrual period. Acrid, corroding leucorrhoea.
Respiration.-- Short during manual labor. Oppression, as from constriction of chest.
Cough.-- Dry, from tickling in throat and chest.
Larynx.-- Hoarseness early in morning, with mucus and scratching in throat.
Chest.-- Palpitation with restlessness, qualmishness and headache.
Back.-- Pain and stiffness in, after stooping.
Neck: Swelling of cervical glans, with tension.
Upper Extremities.-- Axillary sweat, smelling like onions. Paralytic sprained pain in joints of arm and hands. Powerless hands. Moist tetter on dorsum of hand.
Lower Extremities.-- Tension in lower legs and calves, as though' the muscles were too short.
Generalities.-- Great weariness and powerlessness in joint. Deep impressions are made by instruments, i. e., from scissors on fingers.
Skin.-- Itching in various parts, especially when getting warm. - better not scratching. moist tatters. Panaritia.
Sleep.-- Sleepiness after eating, and early in morning.
Fever.-- Pulse: Excited, with ebullitions and palpitation. Chill: Predominant, even near a warm stove, in morning, in evening and even at night, usually with thirst. During the pain. Heat: With thirst, anguish and restlessness. Daily evening fever (about 7 o'clock) consisting only of chill with thirst. Shuddering proceeding from back, in evening. Sweat: Most profuse on chest, every morning (from 5 to 6 o'clock.).
Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Ap., Nit-ac., Selen., sil.
Bovista ist verfügbar bei Remedia Homöopathie
Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia HomöopathieAndere Namen für dieses homöopathische Arzneimittel: Bovista, Bovista lycoperdon, Calvatia gigantea, Globaria bovista, Lycoperdon, Lycoperdon bovista, Riesenbovist, Staubschwamm,